Knowing the Rights of Medical Marijuana Patients

Diamond & Associates encounters many clients who are surprised when they are arrested for possession of marijuana despite the fact that they are in the possession of a valid medical marijuana recommendation from a doctor.

Unfortunately, the police can still arrest a medical marijuana patient despite the patient having all of the proper documentation. The law of the State of California allows the physician's recommendation to serve as a defense against the crime and unfortunately does not prevent the arrest and the subsequent filing of charges by the District Attorney's Office. An experienced criminal defense attorney may be able to have the charges against you dropped before the filing of a criminal complaint, and should be consulted immediately upon arrest.
The attorneys at Diamond & Associates are extremely experienced in defending medical marijuana patient's rights. If you or someone you know has been arrested for possession for marijuana, call our offices immediately so that we may begin to assist you in having the charges dropped or the case dismissed. For more information, please visit