Los Angeles Expungements Attorney
Helping You Clear Your Criminal Record
A criminal conviction, whether through a plea, verdict, or finding of guilt, can have dramatic effects on your life. You might be ordered to complete probation or spend time in jail or prison, and the penalties don’t end there. The conviction is put on your criminal record, which could make it hard for you to re-enter society. For instance, when you try to apply for a job, loan, or housing, the company may run a background check and see information about the offense, which could sway their final decision.
Fortunately, in California, some criminal convictions can be expunged from your record. That means the guilty verdict is cleared and the case dismissed. However, the process for obtaining an expungement can be long and complex, as you must know the laws and steps to successfully petition for this type of relief. At Law Offices of David D. Diamond, our attorney has 20 years of legal experience, understands the intricacies of getting an expungement, and can provide sound guidance throughout the process.
To get started on clearing your record, call us at (888) 860-6570.
What Is an Expungement?
Under California Penal Code 1203.4 PC, an expungement is a way for you to get criminal conviction information cleared from your record. The process involves petitioning the court to review your situation and determine whether or not your guilty plea or verdict can be set aside and your case dismissed. If your request is granted, you will be “released from all penalties and disabilities resulting from the offense.”
Who Is Eligible for Expungement?
To successfully apply for, and be granted, an expungement, you must meet specific eligibility criteria.
You can petition for a dismissal if you:
- Were convicted of certain misdemeanors or felonies
- Were not ordered to serve time in state prison
- Completed all terms of your probation
- Paid all restitution and fines
- Are not currently facing charges for other offenses
- Are not currently in jail or on probation for another crime
Some exceptions to the eligibility requirements exist, and the court has the discretion to determine if your specific circumstances qualify for relief. Our attorney can review your situation and the criteria to petition for an expungement to help you understand your options for proceeding.
What Offenses Cannot Be Expunged?
Unfortunately, not all convictions can be cleared from your record.
The following offenses cannot be expunged:
- Failing to stop for, or comply with, a police officer’s orders
- Participating in lewd acts with a child
- Committing an act of sodomy with a minor
- Engaging in sexual conduct with a minor
- Creating, possessing, or distributing images depicting a minor engaging in sexual conduct
- Engaging in sexual intercourse with a person under 18 years of age
What Is the Process to Petition for an Expungement?
To request to have your criminal record cleared, you must file a petition with the court in the county where you were convicted. The form you submit must contain complete and accurate information about the offense you are seeking to have expunged. If you have multiple convictions, you must send a separate petition for each.
The information you must have on your petition includes:
- The case number of the offense
- The date of the conviction
- The code name and section of the crime
- The way the conviction came about – through a plea or a verdict
You may also need to state if you served probation, paid restitution, were ordered to serve time in state prison, and/or were released on parole. With your petition, you can also include documents, such as letters or school records, that support your request for expungement.
After the court receives your request, you may be scheduled for a hearing, during which you can present your case to a judge. At Law Offices of David D. Diamond, our team can help gather necessary paperwork and information to ensure you successfully submit a completed petition, and we can provide skilled representation at the hearing.
Ready for a Fresh Start? Call Our Firm Today.
Our lawyer knows the limitations a conviction can place on your life. If you’re looking to have your criminal record cleared in Los Angeles, we are ready to provide the legal assistance you need for this process.
Discuss your legal options with us by calling (888) 860-6570 or schedule your free consultation by completing an online contact form.

Client Testimonies
I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen.
“I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen. I thought you were organized, you were prepared, you had great arguments, you had a great composure with this jury. Your legal research was spot on.”
- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, Compton Branch, Robbery-Gang Trial -
Thank you so much for all of your help!
“Thank you so much for all of your help! I hope none of our family has to go through an appeal, but if they do, with great confidence, I would be happy to recommend you! Thank you again!”
- C.M. -
I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case.
“I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case. I appreciate knowing and being able to count on your firm. If I ever need your services in another case, I will not hesitate to call you.”
- E. S. -
I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side.
“As a peace officer, I never imagined that someone would attempt to serve me with a restraining order, but I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side. I cannot thank you enough, David. I would recommend the services of David Diamond to everyone.”
- A.P. -
Dave proved to be not only very competent but also very aggressive on my behalf.
“Great Job, Dave! You will always be my first call... But in fairness, I hope I will never need your services again.”
- Rob P.
Real Results
Not Guilty Verdict CA v J.R.
Dismissed CA v A.C.
Argued Successfully CA v C.V.
Motion to Suppress the Stop and Search GRANTED CA v C.M.
New Trial Ordered CA v. M.E.
Motion to Suppress Evidence, Case Dismissed CA v. M.G
Hung Jury One Count Carjacking, Gang Enhancement
Reduced to Seven Years Client Facing 3rd Strike (Life in Jail)
Reduced to Public Intoxication DUI
Reduced to Exhibition of Speed DUI