California's Medical Marijuana Laws
If you are facing criminal charges for using, possessing, or cultivating marijuana for medicinal purposes, you are not alone. Medical marijuana is a subject of high controversy in California. In 1996, the state voted to permit the possession, use, and cultivation of marijuana for people suffering from serious medical conditions, illnesses, and ailments. However, under federal law, it’s still a crime to possess, use, or cultivate marijuana, regardless if it’s for medical purposes or not. This has lead to an increase in the number of people facing criminal charges for “crimes” involving marijuana.
If you have been arrested, charged, or are currently under investigation for using, cultivating, or possessing marijuana for medical purposes, it’s imperative that you speak with a skilled Los Angeles marijuana defense attorney as soon as possible. You have rights under state law that cannot be violated, and an experienced defense lawyer can protect you from criminal prosecution.
California Medical Marijuana Laws
Medical marijuana laws were enacted to provide relief to people suffering from serious illnesses and diseases, such as AIDS, glaucoma, arthritis, cancer, chronic pain, migraine, spasticity, cachexia, multiple sclerosis, and more. Under Proposition 215 and Senate Bill 420, Californians who have a legitimate medical prescription from a licensed physician can purchase, cultivate, or possess a reasonable amount of marijuana.
The rule used to cap the marijuana at up to 8 ounces marijuana (or six mature or 12 immature marijuana plants) for personal use. New case law in California removes these limits. When recommended by a doctor, a person may be able to obtain larger quantities of marijuana. Prop 215 and Senate Bill 420 also grant protection to medical marijuana dispensaries throughout the state.
Contact Los Angeles Medical Marijuana Defense Attorney
David D. Diamond is a very skilled, experienced, and knowledgeable Los Angeles medical marijuana defense lawyer, and has represented many clients facing medical marijuana charges. One local Judge indicated Mr. Diamond knew more about medical marijuana law than any attorney he had seen.
Hiring Mr. Diamond to defend you throughout the legal process will not only ensure that your rights and best interest will be protected and fought for at all times, but it will also increase your chances of avoiding a drug crimes conviction. You can depend on Mr. Diamond to stand up for your rights, and aggressively take on both the police department and the prosecution looking to see you punished. Mr. Diamond's main priorities are to protect you from unjust criminal prosecution, and help you avoid a drug crimes conviction at all costs!
For more information about California’s medical marijuana laws,
please contact Los Angeles medical marijuana defense attorney
David D. Diamond today!
Free case evaluations available.

Client Testimonies
I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen.
“I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen. I thought you were organized, you were prepared, you had great arguments, you had a great composure with this jury. Your legal research was spot on.”
- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, Compton Branch, Robbery-Gang Trial -
Thank you so much for all of your help!
“Thank you so much for all of your help! I hope none of our family has to go through an appeal, but if they do, with great confidence, I would be happy to recommend you! Thank you again!”
- C.M. -
I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case.
“I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case. I appreciate knowing and being able to count on your firm. If I ever need your services in another case, I will not hesitate to call you.”
- E. S. -
I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side.
“As a peace officer, I never imagined that someone would attempt to serve me with a restraining order, but I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side. I cannot thank you enough, David. I would recommend the services of David Diamond to everyone.”
- A.P. -
Dave proved to be not only very competent but also very aggressive on my behalf.
“Great Job, Dave! You will always be my first call... But in fairness, I hope I will never need your services again.”
- Rob P.
Real Results
Not Guilty Verdict CA v J.R.
Dismissed CA v A.C.
Argued Successfully CA v C.V.
Motion to Suppress the Stop and Search GRANTED CA v C.M.
New Trial Ordered CA v. M.E.
Motion to Suppress Evidence, Case Dismissed CA v. M.G
Hung Jury One Count Carjacking, Gang Enhancement
Reduced to Seven Years Client Facing 3rd Strike (Life in Jail)
Reduced to Public Intoxication DUI
Reduced to Exhibition of Speed DUI