Domestic Violence Restraining Order
If you have been a victim of victim domestic violence, you have the absolute right to seek a restraining order. These are designed to protect and provide relief for people who have been victimized by someone in the household or someone with home he or she has or had a significant relationship with.
The Domestic Violence Prevention Act lists the following as examples of abuse:
- Intentional or reckless harm
- Various forms of sexual assault
- Attacking, striking, threatening, battering, or contacting an individual by phone or some other means with the intention of or to the effect of disturbing another individual’s peace
What Qualifies as Domestic Violence?
This relies heavily on the relationship between the offender and the victim. Mainly, domestic violence pertains to those who are or were romantically involved or have a familial relationship.
A domestic violence restraining order can be placed on any of the following:
- Spouse or ex-spouse
- Boyfriend, girlfriend, or ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend
- Someone you share a child with
- A parent, sibling, in-law, or adult child
If the relationship between alleged attacker and victim is not listed above, a civil harassment restraining order can still be obtained. These work with relationships such as friends, coworkers, neighbors, or other circumstantial relationship.
Consequences of a Restraining Order
If one has been imposed on you as the result of alleged abuse, it could mean an entirely different way of life – one in which you miss out on the people and places that mean the most to you. We are equipped both help victims obtain a restraining order and defend against them.
Restraining orders often mean:
- Inability to communicate with the alleged victim
- Inability to be at the alleged victim’s home, work, or children’s school
- Your removal from your home
- Unfavorable rulings in child custody, support, and visitation
Whether you need one to protect yourself or your family, or you are looking to defend a restraining order to keep those most to you in your life, call our offices today at (888) 860-6570.
Our initial case evaluations are free!

Client Testimonies
I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen.
“I've seen a lot of attorneys throughout my years, and I have to say you're one of the best I've seen. I thought you were organized, you were prepared, you had great arguments, you had a great composure with this jury. Your legal research was spot on.”
- Los Angeles Superior Court Judge, Compton Branch, Robbery-Gang Trial -
Thank you so much for all of your help!
“Thank you so much for all of your help! I hope none of our family has to go through an appeal, but if they do, with great confidence, I would be happy to recommend you! Thank you again!”
- C.M. -
I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case.
“I would like to thank you for your professionalism, dedication and favorable results in my case. I appreciate knowing and being able to count on your firm. If I ever need your services in another case, I will not hesitate to call you.”
- E. S. -
I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side.
“As a peace officer, I never imagined that someone would attempt to serve me with a restraining order, but I am sure glad that I had David Diamond on my side. I cannot thank you enough, David. I would recommend the services of David Diamond to everyone.”
- A.P. -
Dave proved to be not only very competent but also very aggressive on my behalf.
“Great Job, Dave! You will always be my first call... But in fairness, I hope I will never need your services again.”
- Rob P.
Real Results
Not Guilty Verdict CA v J.R.
Dismissed CA v A.C.
Argued Successfully CA v C.V.
Motion to Suppress the Stop and Search GRANTED CA v C.M.
New Trial Ordered CA v. M.E.
Motion to Suppress Evidence, Case Dismissed CA v. M.G
Hung Jury One Count Carjacking, Gang Enhancement
Reduced to Seven Years Client Facing 3rd Strike (Life in Jail)
Reduced to Public Intoxication DUI
Reduced to Exhibition of Speed DUI